четверг, 27 марта 2008 г.

Proper Nutrition for Good Health

It is only with a regular exercise program that it is possible to lose all the excess calories in your body and thus maintain a healthy body. The ideal body weight can be determined with the amount of calories that is consumed and burnt each today. In addition to this, your regular exercise prevents numerous diseases and improves both physical and mental health.

The reason an understanding of diet and nutrition is important for you is that only with the right diet that it is possible to balance the calories that you consume, with the amount of calories that you burn through exercise. Eating of more calories, and food only leads to weight gain; exercising more with the right diet and nutrition leads to weight loss. To maintain weight, you have to eat equal amounts of calories as you burn in a day.

The best way to learn more about diet and nutrition would be to visit a dietitian. These people will be able to conduct tests on you to find out which type of body constitution you have. It is then based on this body constitution that the right diet can be allotted to you. Some people tend to burn fats faster, and others carbohydrates faster...click here to continue reading

Source: http://articles.lapox.com/

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